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![]() Israel denies the excavations threaten the al-Aqsa mosque
Controversial construction work near the holiest site for Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem is to be put off to allow public consultations, officials say. Jerusalem mayor Uri Lupolianski said the decision was taken so the general public could express any opposition.
However, preparatory excavations are continuing, despite riots by Muslim worshippers last week.
Israeli authorities want to rebuild a collapsed walkway at the site. Muslims say the work endangers its foundations.
The location houses the al-Aqsa mosque, the third holiest shrine in Islam, and is revered by Jews as the site of their Biblical temples.
Mr Lupolianski said late on Sunday that the building work on a new walkway to replace a damaged bridge will now be subjected to a full planning review.
Замирает от того, что Библейские пророчества описывают востановление Иерусалимского храма, что будет одним из знаков скорого прихода Христа на землю, со Своими святыми.
Пока храм востановить невозможно, так как прямо на его месте стоит мусульманская мечеть, но судя по всему там происходят реальные перемены.