Friends, keep in prayer our family!

Friends, keep in prayer our family!


Working the last few days is very hard and productively, with big plans for the next few days got a call today from my wife, and learned that my eldest daughter Lisa had fallen in the street while walking and broke her nose.


Visiting the doctor she was scheduled for surgery tomorrow and the next 3-5 days I should spend in the hospital with Lisa.


Please pray for our family that this situation brought us closer to God, to better understand His plan for us to trust him more than ever before!


Pray for my pastor, because in the next few days, so much would have to happen!


Один коментар до “Friends, keep in prayer our family!”

  1. Извините, что слышал об этом. Наши молитвы с вами и вашей дочери.

    Joe Racek

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